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Daycare Daycare the Parent drops you off without a second thought In their mind they know the time –they know exactly when it will end, the fact that a day is like a thousand years doesn’t bother them It’s an eternity to a child in a room full of children […]


    Pet Insecurity is a pet living well in my psyche it eats everything demands constant attention jumps up on my well-being leaves paw marks on what is hidden and what is in the open it’s an indoor outdoor pet no matter how many times I shove it from […]


Monster How did it happen in the heart of a family a lifetime of speaking words in the open   an honest thing   hanging in the air while the love goes silent and slinks away How does it happen in the heart of a family   one lone monster […]


Empty written by Ray Lamontagne – Of these cut-throat busted sunsets These cold and damp white mornings I have grown weary If through my cracked and dusty dime store lips I spoke these words out loud Would no one hear me? Well, I looked my demons in the eyes Lay […]

Dry Leaves

Dry Leaves I am like a —man without strength Why do you harden my heart —O, Lord so that I do not regard you with awe? I am shriveled up like a leaf —and like the wind my sin sweeps me —     away Yet you, Lord, are my Father. —I […]


  Daydreams Daydreams comfort my soulthey come one by one, line up in a rowplay out in my mindfree and intriguing**till bang**reality reelingjolted from playlike wind through a holethe dreams flyand diestack uplike dead bodiesready to risein a place I call home—living where the head goes – –     […]

According to Your Love

According to Your Love Undone things unkind thoughts shortcomings coming undone   according to me remember me though according to you   remember the true pieces of me not the footprints in the sand the false self makes wherever I go I need to know   according to you according […]

The Playground

— —The Playground Sitting on a swing on a dark and rainy morning   before school in a coat two sizes   too big Kids from every class run past they run to get out of the rain run not to be late run while they hate Look! so weird […]

Infinity / Finality

  Infinity / Finality There’s safety in numbers count and control life goes on —as the numbers unfold count the cash, count the lines calmly keep track of passing time    scratches in groups of five on a prison wall end up being    now and then the body count […]

Promised Land

  — — Promised LandGetting on with itin the wildernessGo aheadreveal my heartas I beg for scrapsat the table of attention, affirmation, recognition along with outrageous expectations   of tit for tatDefending some identity pulled from a hatDream the dream compare and despairget people on my side   or dieTake […]