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  –—Idols When I want something I remember—to ask for more of youWhen I’m offended I remember—you’re the only onewho needs to be pleasedWhen I walk in total darkness the torch that can be lit I leave—untouched, I choose you The path that can be seen by meis not the […]


—     The woman’s daughter was suffering —so she pleaded with JesusThe disciples urged him to send her away—The woman was getting on their nervesThe children were brought to Jesus—to be held and prayed forThe mothers were rebuked by the disciples—We’re more serious than thatThe blind man on the side of […]

The Demon is Mute

——             The Demon is Mute—Under the earthlies a city whose gateshave been ripped off the hinges  iron bars in the dust, tumbleweeds rollthree days and three nightsamong shadowy souls —What did you tell them?The key is in handthe lie has been silenced—the demon is […]

This Dance

—— This Dance—You saidI could dance—be a dancerin this dimension, for this timeto this MusicThe music is a mystery—a mystery that I love but can’t complete in syncI don’t always land right—often get it wrongmisstepsand failed twirls—I fly wide-opentoward another dancerand find myself asking—why didn’t you catch methey say, why […]


  —–   Leper—As you stood therepeering into the distancewaiting for their returnwere you amazedthey didn’t think of you—stopped thinking of youafter they got what they wantedwhat they wanted more than youAs you stood alone wonderingdid you feel the missing piece  in your gutwhen they didn’t see you as someone […]


Becoming Blood on the alter   sprinkled on the peopletheir hair, their eyes, their clothesuntil in time the Word laid down inside the bloody wombAs You languished there  becoming fleshdid you ask yourself, Is this what it feels like to be them?Toil in the realm   of straw and dustdeal, […]

Fight Me

——Fight Me—God said,I am picking a fight with you—let’s wrestleUntil the sun comes up, don’t quitdon’t let goI long to hear you demand a blessing from meIt is menot youI will be the God who lets you win—and you will finally be honestBecause if I am Holy—and you are honestand […]


—DaughterYou made water flow from a rock  for herYou parted the Red Seamore than once  in her lifeBloodied by the side of the roadYou picked her up  tired and undoneYou sent crows to bring her food   when she couldn’t moveYou put flesh on her bones with your WordsYou brought […]

Psalm 23

——Psalm 23—Surroundedenemies without and withinThe valley dark—relentless and familiaranxiety, tedium, guilt—Human without a breakA table waitsby a standing invitation—a meal of joy—a meal of healingHave a seat across from your enemywho stares without blinking—willing your demiseFeel his breath on your faceChoose to siteat, drink, restwhile your enemy belches—You lack nothingenjoy […]

Send the Ravens

———Send the Ravens—Drought means no rainGod sent the ravensto Elijahtwice a dayThey laid bread and meat before himwhile he watchedthe river run awayThey made a halo out of strawto put behind his head and said,God is feeding you This is who He is. This is who we are. The river ran […]