According to Your Love Undone things unkind thoughts shortcomings coming undone according to me remember me though according to you remember the true pieces of me not the footprints in the sand the false self makes wherever I go I need to know according to you according […]
Estimated reading time: 27 seconds
–—Idols When I want something I remember—to ask for more of youWhen I’m offended I remember—you’re the only onewho needs to be pleasedWhen I walk in total darkness the torch that can be lit I leave—untouched, I choose you The path that can be seen by meis not the […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
—– Leper—As you stood therepeering into the distancewaiting for their returnwere you amazedthey didn’t think of you—stopped thinking of youafter they got what they wantedwhat they wanted more than youAs you stood alone wonderingdid you feel the missing piece in your gutwhen they didn’t see you as someone […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Becoming Blood on the alter sprinkled on the peopletheir hair, their eyes, their clothesuntil in time the Word laid down inside the bloody wombAs You languished there becoming fleshdid you ask yourself, Is this what it feels like to be them?Toil in the realm of straw and dustdeal, […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
——Fight Me—God said,I am picking a fight with you—let’s wrestleUntil the sun comes up, don’t quitdon’t let goI long to hear you demand a blessing from meIt is menot youI will be the God who lets you win—and you will finally be honestBecause if I am Holy—and you are honestand […]
Estimated reading time: 35 seconds
——Our Father– God in heavenWhen we call your namewhat shall we say?Jesus called you, FatherHe taught us to say,Our FatherOur FatherYou have a nameIt’s personalWe are your children by faithAnd through the Holy Spirit we cry,Abba, Father!A child can wake their father up in the middle of the night to […]
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes