The woman’s daughter was suffering
—so she pleaded with Jesus
The disciples urged him to send her away
—The woman was getting on their nerves
The children were brought to Jesus
—to be held and prayed for
The mothers were rebuked by the disciples
—We’re more serious than that
The blind man on the side of the road
—cried out to Jesus for mercy
The crowd rebuked him
—The blind were making too much noise
The woman poured perfume on Jesus’ feet
—and dried his feet with her hair
The men rebuked her harshly
—This is not what should happen
Jesus rebuked the fever
—and it went away
He rebuked the storm
—and it became calm
He rebuked the impure spirit
—and it fled
Had he rebuked us
we would have gone silent
—Instead He said,
Father forgive them
And all the Control-freaks
were offered freedom
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